Friday, August 1, 2008

What are the Principles of the FFS?

The FFS follows four doctrines on the cycle of educative process from which all activities and learning are anchored
  1. The Participation of Parents - Close interaction among parents and students are encouraged. Parents will collaborate with the students in the development of the family farms.
  2. Small Group Learning - The concept of having a small group of 15-20 students is an ideal number to attain an effective ratio between the instructors and the students. This will allow effective exchange of information and articulation of knowledge.
  3. Learning by Doing - There is balance between academic (in-house) and more practical learning (on-farm). The principle of alternation methodology allows the student to experience parallel learning at the school and on the farm.
  4. Community Development - Local champions will be identified, who are generally receptive to new ideas and technologies and are not risk averse. They will help raise consciousness among community members to mobilize, introduce, disseminate and adopt new farming technologies. And will support communities to address problems and rouse collective interests to organize for social and economic gains.


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