Friday, August 1, 2008

What is the Family Farm School?

  1. The Family Farm School (FFS) for coconut is the first of its kind in the region, and probably in the Philippines’, that is registered with TESDA. It came into being as a determined response to the problems that beset the province: i) current educational system focuses on formal education and partial to urban dwellers, ii) few economic opportunities for employment and self-employment of farmers, iii) agricultural productivity remains low and subsistence, and iv) stigma of rural life and farm labor is viewed as a lower form of wealth generation.
  2. The FFS is an effective tool for cultivating farmer learning and developing capacity for critical thinking. It will equip coconut farmers to master crop-specific technical skills, acquire market knowledge and approach farming as a business through diversification of family farms to increase family income.
  3. The goal of the FFS is to produce and empower skilled graduates of coconut production and processing who can be employed with corporate farms, or be self-employed. For self-employment, crop diversity of family farms will be promoted as one way to redesign the farming system, i.e., introducing a range of crops and/or ruminants to ease the coconut farms from price fluctuations of a single cropping system, a common practice of farmers in Northern Samar.
  4. Of strategic importance to the province and the region is that the School is regarded by many as the locus of “Knowledge on Coconut”. Over these years there were no initiatives made to give special attention to the coconut farmers and their families as the tillers of coconut. The farm, therefore, will be the focal to pilot-test (on-farm) and introduce innovative, yet suitable coconut-based farming system. Together, the students and their parents will develop the farm, with technical backstopping of the FFS technicians.


What are the Principles of the FFS?

The FFS follows four doctrines on the cycle of educative process from which all activities and learning are anchored
  1. The Participation of Parents - Close interaction among parents and students are encouraged. Parents will collaborate with the students in the development of the family farms.
  2. Small Group Learning - The concept of having a small group of 15-20 students is an ideal number to attain an effective ratio between the instructors and the students. This will allow effective exchange of information and articulation of knowledge.
  3. Learning by Doing - There is balance between academic (in-house) and more practical learning (on-farm). The principle of alternation methodology allows the student to experience parallel learning at the school and on the farm.
  4. Community Development - Local champions will be identified, who are generally receptive to new ideas and technologies and are not risk averse. They will help raise consciousness among community members to mobilize, introduce, disseminate and adopt new farming technologies. And will support communities to address problems and rouse collective interests to organize for social and economic gains.


Who are Qualified for Admission?

The following are the admission requirements:

  1. The student must be between 18-55-years old;
  2. S/he must be able to read and write;
  3. Must adapt and introduce innovative farming systems;
  4. With good moral character;
  5. The participating local and barangay governments shall endorse potential and deserving students to participate in the training program;
  6. Must posses at least 1.0-ha. coconut farmland;

    1. Preferably located in an accessible site to facilitate monitoring;
    2. For tenanted coconut farm that will be enrolled, it must show or covered by a contract or leased hold agreement and must show the sharing agreements between the land owner and the tenant;
  7. Must be physically, mentally and emotionally fit to attend classes;
  8. The enrolled family farm must be developed by the students together with their parents and will serve as field-test for the introduction/ promotion of innovative coconut-based farming systems;
  9. Parents’ associations must be willing to be the conduit for livelihood assistance provided for by the proponent and partner agencies, and
  10. Parents and/or students are willing to enter into agreement (MOA) with the proponent to develop their respective family farms.


What are the Courses Offered:

The School holds a Certificate of Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) Program Registration issued by TESDA. It will offer the following programs:

  1. Coconut Production NCI (Nominal Duration: 197 hours) Leading to Agricultural Crops Production NCI.
  2. Coconut Production NCII (Nominal Duration: 445 hours) Leading to Agricultural Crops Production NCII.
  3. Animal Production NCII (Nominal Duration: 150 hours) Leading to Animal Production NCII.
  4. Coconut Processing NC II*
  5. Coconut-Based Farming Systems**


When can the student enroll in the FFS?

The School now accepts students who wish to enroll in the competency-based training program. The duration of the training program is three (3) months.


What are the Facilities of FFS?

The training center is located within the PCA compound right beside the UEP farm. The training center is ideally situated, and has a farm atmosphere that is free from the hassle of social activity. The facilities include, among others:


Contextual Area/Training Hall

The contextual area is a spacious with 90m2 floor area and can accommodate 20-25 students. It follows the minimum basic requirements set out by TESDA, to include: learning resource area, assessment area, quality control area, practical area and contextual area.

For outsiders who wish to avail of the training facility, rental of venue is Php500.00 per day (+ Php 150.00/ hour in excess of eight hours).